Professor of Geography, Emeritus
Visiting Professor in Latin American History
Queen's University and Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Kingston, Ontario, Canada and Seville, Spain

The conquest of Guatemala was brutal, prolonged and complex, fraught with intrigue and deception, and not at all clear-cut. Yet views persist of it as an armed confrontation whose stakes were evident and whose outcomes were decisive, especially in favor of the Spaniards...

Faces of Resistance: Maya Heroes, Power, and Identity

Human and Environmental Justice in Guatemala

Guatemala y la Guerra Fría en América Latina, 1947-1997

Faces of Resistance: Maya Heroes, Power, and Identity

The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 75, 1 (2018)

Journal of Latin American Geography 16, 2 (2017)

Bajo el Volcán: Revista del Posgrado de Sociología, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 12, 19 (2013)

The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 75, 1 (2018)