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  Adjunct Professor Emeritus,   

  Department of Geography at Queen's University,   

  Kingston, Ontario, Canada   


   Professor of Geography, Emeritus   

   Visiting Professor in Latin American History   

   Queen's University and Universidad Pablo de Olavide   

   Kingston, Ontario, Canada and Seville, Spain   





Lovell, W. George. 2023. Muerte en la nieve: Pedro de Alvarado y la conquista de los Andes. Quito: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar and Cooperación Editora Nacional.

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Lovell, W. George. 2022. Death in the Snow: Pedro de Alvarado and the Illusive Conquest of Peru. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Reviews: Doebler 2023

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Lovell, W. George. 2022/2019 [1995]. A Beauty That Hurts: Life and Death in Guatemala. Revised Fourth Edition. Toronto: Between the Lines. Reviews: Watanabe 1997, Isaacs 2001, Martinez 2002, Thompson 2002Yanique Gillana 2022 (Goodreads).

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Audio-book here.

Three previous editions of A Beauty That Hurts were published

in 1995, 2000, and 2010

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2020 [2009]. Historia sin máscara: Vida y obra de Severo Martínez Peláez. Second Edition. Guatemala City: Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales de la Universidad de San Carlos and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. p. 78. For a Review of the first edition, see Carrillo 2009.

Download First Edition pdf here.


Lovell, W. George, Christopher H. Lutz and Wendy Kramer. 2019 [2016]. Atemorizar la tierra: Pedro de Alvarado y la conquista de Guatemala, 1524-1541. Revised Third Edition. Antigua Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica and Guatemala City: F&G Editores. pp. 175. Reviews: Martinez 2017/pdf.

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Lovell, W. George. 2015 [1985] Conquest and Survival in Colonial Guatemala: A Historical Geography of the Cuchumatán Highlands, 1500-1821. Revised Fourth Edition. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. xxxv + 306. Reviews: Mathewson 2016/pdf.

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Lovell, W. George. 2015 [1990]. Conquista y cambio cultural: La Sierra de los Cuchumatanes de Guatemala, 1500-1821. Revised Second Edition. Antigua Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica. pp. xvi + 296. Reviews: Offutt 1992, Cal 2018/pdf

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Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell and Christopher H. Lutz. 2014. Saqueo en el Archivo: El paradero de los tesoros documentales guatemaltecos. Antigua Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica. pp. xxxiv + 65. Reviews: Offen 2015/pdfWoodward 2015/pdfAguilar-Støen 2015/pdfHerrera 2016/pdf


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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz, with Wendy Kramer and William R. Swezey. 2013. “Strange Lands and Different Peoples”: Spaniards and Indians in Colonial Guatemala. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press. pp. xvii + 339. Reviews: Dyck 2014/pdfMacLeod 2014/pdfPalka 2014/pdfHamann 2015/pdfHerrera 2015/pdf, Montalván 2015/pdfMatthew 2018/pdf.

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Martínez Peláez, Severo. 2009. La Patria del Criollo: An Interpretation of Colonial Guatemala. Translated by Susan M. Neve and W. George Lovell. Edited and Introduced by W. George Lovell and Christopher H. Lutz. Durham and London: Duke University Press. pp. lii + 330.

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Cook, Noble David and W. George Lovell, eds. 2001 [1992]. "Secret Judgments of God”: Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America. Second Edition. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press. pp. xxiv + 285. Reviews: Cooper 1993/pdf, Ramenofsky 1994/pdf.

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2000. Demografía e imperio: Guía para la historia de la población de la América Central española. Guatemala City: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad de San Carlos. pp. xix + 260. 

A revised edition of Demografía e imperio was prepared for online posting at in 2013.

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 1995. Demography and Empire: A Guide to the Population History of Spanish Central America, 1500-1821. Boulder, San Francisco, and Oxford: Westview Press. pp. xv + 190. Reviews: Galloway 1999/pdf.

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Forthcoming Books
Chapters in Books



Lovell, W. George. 2023. “The Archive and the Field: Methodological Procedures and Research Outcomes in the Work of Carl O. Sauer (1889-1975). Pp. 24-38 in Sarah A. Lovell, Stephanie E. Cohen, and Mark W. Rosenberg, editors, The Routledge Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography. London and New York, Routledge.

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Lovell, W. George. 2023. “Pandemic Precedent: Indigenous Demise in the Wake of Columbus.” Pp. 26-43 in Nicholas D. Spence and Fatih Sekercioglu, eds. Indigenous Health and Well-Being in the COVID- 19 Pandemic. Routledge: London and New York.

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Lovell, W. George. 2021. Foreword. Pp. xiii-xv in Catherine Nolin and Grahame Russell, editors, Testimonio: Canadian Mining in the Aftermath of Genocides in Guatemala. Toronto: Between the Lines.

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Lovell, W. George. 2021. “Mano derecha: Pedro de Alvarado, Hernán Cortés y la conquista de México.” Pp. 225-49 in José Manuel Chávez Gómez and Aurora Díez-Canedo F., coordinating editors, En torno a la conquista: Visiones recientes. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

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Lovell, W. George. 2020. “Historical Demography.” In Antoinette WinklerPrins and Kent Mathewson, eds., Forest, Field, and Fallow: A William M. Denevan Reader on Cultural and Historical Ecology, 1-8. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

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Lovell, W. George. 2020. “Elegías para la patria: Una crónica criollo, una crítica marxista identidades en conflicto en la Guatemala colonial.” In Coralia Gutiérrez Álvarez, ed., La primavera en la memoria: Historia y política en Severo Martínez Peláez, 15-42. Puebla:Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

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La Patria del Criollo-adaptada-para-jóve

Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2020. "Severo Martínez Peláez, sobre su vida y trayectoria intelectual." In Martínez Peláez, Severo. La patria del criollo: Adaptada para jóvenes/Adapted for Young Readers por/by Irene Piedrasanta, pp. 15-23. Guatemala: Editorial Piedrasanta.

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz.  2018. “Unsung Heroes: Cahí Ymox, Belehé Qat, and Kaqchikel Resistance to the Spanish Invasion of Guatemala.” In S. Ashley Kistler, ed., Faces of Resistance: Maya Heroes, Power, and Identity, pp. 37-60. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: University of Alabama Press.


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Human and Environmental Justice in Guate

Lovell, W. George. 2018. “Press Clippings: The Daily News in Guatemala.” In Candace Johnson and Stephen Henighan, eds., Human and Environmental Justice in Guatemala, pp. 214-227. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


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Lovell, W. George. 2014. “Elegies for a Homeland: A Baroque Chronicle, a Marxist Critique, and Conflicting Identities in Colonial Guatemala.” In Harald E. Braun and Jesús Pérez-Magallón, eds., The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque: Complex Identities in the Atlantic World, pp. 255-271. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. 


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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2014. “The Photographic Art of Kohei Yasu.” In Kohei Yasu (1844-1917): A Japanese Photographer in Guatemala, pp. 1-3. Antigua Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica.


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Lovell, W. George. 2011. “Telling Maya Tales: Points of View in Guatemala.” In Sebastian Jobs and Gesa Mackenthun, eds., Embodiments of Cultural Encounters, pp. 235-252. Münster: Waxmann Verlag.


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Lovell, W. George. 2011. “Great Was the Stench of the Dead.” In Greg Grandin, Deborah T. Levenson, and Elizabeth Oglesby, eds., The Guatemala Reader: History, Politics, Culture, pp. 62-65. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2011. “Foreword” to Catherine Docter, The Village Churches of Santiago de Guatemala, 1541-1773, p. v. Guatemala: Libros San Cristóbal.

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2011. “Between Two Seas: Antonio de Herrera and the Mapping of Central America.” In Jordana Dym and Karl H. Offen, eds., Mapping Latin America, pp. 65-69. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2010. “Between the Two Seas: Antonio de Herrera and the Mapping of Central America.” In Akihiro Kinda eds., Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Geographers, Kyoto 2009, pp. 123-124. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press.

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Lovell, W. George. 2010. “Estar en paz en la milpa.” In Roberto García Ferreira, ed., Guatemala y la Guerra Fría en América Latina, 1947-1997, pp. 511-520. Guatemala: Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Rurales, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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Lovell, W. George. 2009. “Introduction” to “Writings on Historical Geography.” In William M. Denevan and Kent Mathewson, eds., Carl Sauer on Culture and Landscape: Readings and Commentaries, pp. 271-276.  Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.


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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2008. “Foreword” to Invading Guatemala: Spanish, Nahua, and Maya Accounts of the Conquest Wars, pp. xi-xii. University Park: Penn State University Press. 


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Lovell, W. George. 2008. “The Darien Gap.” In Jay Kinsbruner, ed., Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, Second Edition, Vol. 2, pp. 746-747. New York: Charles Scribner’s and Sons.

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Lovell, W. George. 2007. “Caribbean Region.” In David Buisseret, ed., The Oxford Companion to World Exploration, Vol. 1, pp. 155-157. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 


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Lovell, W. George. 2007. “Angels, Conquests, and Memory/Angeles, Conqusitas y Memoria.” In Oscar Iván Maldonado, ed., So That All Shall Know/ Para Que Todos Lo Sepan, pp. 6-20. Austin: University of Texas Press. 


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Lovell, W. George. 2006. “Columbian Exchange: Disease.” In J. Michael Francis, ed., Iberia and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History, Vol.1, pp. 296-303. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. 


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Lovell, W. George. 2006. “First Person Singular.” In David Rosenwasser, Jill Stephen, and Doug Babington, Writing Analytically, p. 318. Toronto: Nelson/Thomson Canada. 


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Lovell, W. George. 2004. “Epidemias y despoblación indígena en Guatemala, 1519-1632.” In José Hernández Palomo, ed., Enfermedad y muerte en América y Andalucía (Siglos XVI-XX), pp. 119-144. Sevilla: Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos.

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Lovell, W. George. 2004. “A First Book in Geography: Carl Sauer and the Creation of Man in Nature.” In Kent Mathewson and Martin Kenzer, eds., Culture, Land, and Legacy: Carl O. Sauer and the Berkeley School of Geography, pp. 323-338. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.


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House, Krista L. and W. George Lovell. 2001. “Trabajo de transmigrantes y el impacto de las remesas en la Guatemala rural: El Caso de Nueva Unión Maya.” In Luis Rosero Bixby, ed., Población del Istmo, 2000: Familia, migración, violencia, y medio ambiente, pp. 211-230. San José, Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica.


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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2001. “The Primacy of Larger Truths: Rigoberta Menchú and the Tradition of Native Testimony in Guatemala.” In Arturo Arias, ed., The Rigoberta Menchú Controversy, pp. 171-197. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2001. “Pedro de Alvarado and the Conquest of Guatemala, 1522-1524.” In John M. Weeks, ed., The Past and Present Maya: Essays in Honor of Robert M. Carmack, pp. 47-61. Lancaster, California: Labyrinthos.

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Cook, Noble David and W. George Lovell. 2000. “Desenredando la madeja de la enfermedad.” In Juicios secretos de Dios: Epidemias y despoblación en Hispanoamérica colonial, pp. 227-250. Quito: Editorial Abya-Yala. Download chapter pdf here.

Lovell, W. George. 2000. “Enfermedad y despoblación en Guatemala, 1519-1632.” In Juicios secretos de Dios: Epidemias y despoblación en Hispanoamérica colonial, pp. 89-118. Quito: Editorial Abya-Yala. Download chapter pdf here.

Cook, Noble David and W. George Lovell. 2000. “Prefacio” to Juicios secretos de Dios: Epidemias y despoblación en Hispanoamérica colonial, pp. 5-12. Quito: Editorial Abya-Yala. Download chapter pdf here

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Nolin Hanlon, Catherine and W. George Lovell. 2000. “Flight, Exile, Repatriation, and Return: Guatemalan Refugees Scenarios, 1981-1996.” In James Loucky and Marilyn Moors, eds., The Maya Diaspora: Guatemalan Roots, New American Lives, pp. 35-55. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Download chapter pdf here

Lutz, Christopher H. and W. George Lovell. 2000. “Survivors on the Move: Maya Migration in Time and Space.” In James Loucky and Marilyn Moors, eds., The Maya Diaspora: Guatemalan Roots, New American Lives, pp. 11-34. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Download chapter pdf here

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Lovell, W. George. 2000. “The Highland Maya.” In Richard E.W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod, eds., The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume II, Part 2, Mesoamerica, pp. 392-442. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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Lovell, W. George. 2000. “Eduardo Galeano” and “Memoria del fuego.” In Daniel Balderston, Mike González, and Ana M. López, eds., Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures, pp. 216-217, 350. London and New York: Routledge.


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Lovell, W. George. 1999. “Land and Peace.” In Liisa North and Allan Simmons, eds., Journeys of Fear: Refugee Return and National Transformation in Guatemala, pp. 47-54. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.


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Lovell, W. George. 1999. “The Real Country and the Legal Country: Spanish Ideals and Mayan Realities in Colonial Guatemala.” In Anne Buttimer and Luke Wallin, eds., Nature, Culture, Identity, pp.151-161. Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 


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Lovell, W. George. 1997. “Solanell: Life and Death in the Catalan Pyrenees.” In Serge Courville and Brian S. Osborne, eds., Mythic History and Symbolic Landscape, pp. 30-38. Québec City: CIEQ.


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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 1997. “Conquista y población: Demografía histórica de los Mayas de Guatemala.” In Luis Rosero Bisby, Anne R. Pebley, and Alicia Bermúdez Méndez, eds., De los mayas a la planificación familiar: Demografía del istmo, pp. 15-23. San José, Costa Rica: Universidad de Costa Rica.

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Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 1997. “The Maya Population of Guatemala.” In Anne R. Pebley and Luis Rosero Bixby, eds., Demographic Diversity and Change in the Central American Isthmus, pp. 117-132. Santa Monica: RAND.


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Lovell, W. George. 1997. “Perspectiva histórica de la titulación de la tierra en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes.” In Shelton H. Davis, La tierra de nuestros antepasados: Estudio de la herencia y la tenencia de la tierra en el altiplano de Guatemala, pp. 217-235. Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica. Purchase book from publisher or amazon.

Lovell, W. George. 1995. “Caribbean Sea, Castilla del Oro, Cuchumatanes, Hispaniola, and Mesoamerica.” In Barbara A. Tenenbaum, ed., Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, Vol.1, pp. 561-562; Vol. 2, pp. 16-17 and pp. 332-333; and Vol. 3, pp. 199-200 and p. 590. New York: Charles Scribner's and Sons. Purchase book from publisher or amazon.

Lovell, W. George. 1994. “Tierra y sociedad en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, 1821- 1900.” In Alberto Herrarte, ed., Historia General de Guatemala (Tomo IV), pp. 365-372. Guatemala: Fundación para la Cultura y el Desarrollo. Access free text online.

Lovell, W. George. 1994. “Indígenas y españoles en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, 1700-1821.” In Jorge Luján Muñoz y Cristina Zilbermann, eds., Historia General de Guatemala (Tomo III), pp. 351-368. Guatemala: Fundación para la Cultura y el Desarrollo. Access free text online.

Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell, and Christopher H. Lutz. 1993. “La conquista española de Centroamérica.” In Julio Pinto, ed., Historia General de Centroamérica (Tomo I), pp. 21-93. San José, Costa Rica: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Access free text online.

Lovell, W. George. 1993. “Indígenas y españoles en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, 1500-1700.” In Jorge Luján Muñoz y Ernesto Chinchilla Aguilar, eds., Historia General de Guatemala (Tomo II), pp. 577-86. Guatemala: Fundación para la Cultura y el Desarrollo. Access free text online.

Lovell, W. George. 1993. “Epidemias y despoblación en Guatemala, 1519-1632.” In Jorge Luján Muñoz and Ernesto Chinchilla Aguilar, eds., Historia General de Centroamérica (Tomo I), pp. 327-336. Guatemala: Fundación para la Cultura y el Desarrollo.  Access free text online.

Lutz, Christopher H. and W. George Lovell. 1993. “K'iche' Maya of Guatemala.” In Marc S. Miller, ed., State of the Peoples: A Global Human Rights Report on Societies in Danger, pp. 227-228. Boston: Beacon Press. Purchase from amazon.

Cook, Noble David and W. George Lovell. 1992. “Unraveling the Web of Disease.” In Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, eds., "Secret Judgments of God”:  Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, pp. 213-242. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press. Download chapter pdf. Purchase book from publisher.

Lovell, W. George. 1992. “Disease and Depopulation in Early Colonial Guatemala.” In Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, eds., "Secret Judgments of God”:  Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, pp. 49-83. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press. Purchase book from publisher. Download chapter pdf.

Cook, Noble David and W. George Lovell.  1992. “Preface” to Noble David Cook and W. George Lovell, eds., "Secret Judgments of God”:  Old World Disease in Colonial Spanish America, pp. xi-xx. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Download pdf. Purchase book from publisher.


Lovell, W. George. 1992. “Foreword” to William M. Denevan, ed., The Native Population of the Americas in 1492, pp. xv-xvi. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Purchase book from publisher or amazon.

Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 1992. “The Historical Demography of Colonial Central America.” In Tom L. Martinson, ed., Geographic Research on Latin America: Benchmark 1990, pp. 127-138. Auburn, Alabama: Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers. Access online.

Lutz, Christopher H. and W. George Lovell. 1991. “Centro y periferia en la Guatemala colonial.” In Julio Pinto, ed., Territorio y sociedad en Guatemala: Tres ensayos históricos, pp. 9-36. Guatemala: Universidad de San Carlos. Preview book.


Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell, and Christopher H. Lutz. 1991. “Fire in the Mountains: Juan de Espinar and the Indians of Huehuetenango, 1525-1560.”  In David Hurst Thomas, ed., Columbian Consequences, Vol. 3, pp. 263-282. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Download chapter pdfPurchase book from publisher or amazon

Lovell, W. George and William R. Swezey. 1990. “Indian Migration and Community Formation: An Analysis of Congregación in Colonial Guatemala.” In David J. Robinson, ed., Migration in Colonial Latin America, pp. 18-40. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Download chapter pdfPurchase book from publisher or amazon.

Lutz, Christopher H. and W. George Lovell. 1990. “Core and Periphery in Colonial Guatemala.” In Carol A. Smith, ed., Guatemalan Indians and the State, 1540-1988, pp. 35-51. Austin: University of Texas Press. Download chapter pdf. Purchase book from publisher or amazon

Lovell, W. George. 1989. “Trabajo forzoso en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, 1525-1821.” In Stephen A. Webre, ed., La sociedad colonial en Guatemala, pp. 77-107. Guatemala: Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica. Purchase book from publisher or amazon.

Lovell, W. George. 1988. “Resisting Conquest: Development and the Guatemalan Indian.” In John M. Kirk and Sandor Halebsky, eds., Central America in Crisis: Democracy, Development, and Change, pp. 101-107. New York: Praeger and Company. Read a review.

Lovell, W. George. 1982. “Collapse and Recovery: A Demographic Profile of the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1500-1821.” In Robert M. Carmack, John D. Early, and Christopher H. Lutz, eds., The Historical Demography of Highland Guatemala, pp. 103-120. Albany: Institute for Mesoamerican Studies, SUNY, Publication No.6. Purchase used.


Lovell, W. George. 1981. “A Backward Glance to the Future: Geographical Change in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1500-1980.” In Jorge Nef, ed., Repression and Liberation in Latin America, pp. 184-203. Ottawa: Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Download pdf. Purchase used.

Lovell, W. George. 1981. “The Historical Demography of the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1500-1821.” In David J. Robinson, ed., Studies in Spanish American Population History, pp. 195-216. Boulder: Westview Press. Access online. Download pdf. Purchase from publisher or ebook.


Lovell, W. George. 2022. “Introduction” to Kent Mathewson, Michael Steinberg, and Matthew Taylor, eds., Images of War: Armed Conflict in Guatemala and the CIRMA Fototeca Archive. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. pp. 8.

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