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Adjunct Professor Emeritus,
Department of Geography at Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Professor of Geography, Emeritus
Visiting Professor in Latin American History
Queen's University and Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Kingston, Ontario, Canada and Seville, Spain

Lovell, W. George. 2022. “Epidemic Disease and Indigenous Survival: Research Findings for Colonial Latin America.” Long Run Health Matters Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2022. “A Peace Resembling War.” Queen’s Quarterly 129 (4): 590-95. Preview here.
Lovell, W. George. 2022. “Geographer of Chocolate: An Appreciation of John F. Bergmann, 1928–1983.” The Aztlander, 2, 8 (August): 14-19. Access online. Preview here.
Lovell, W. George. 2022. “Una paz parecida a la guerra.” Posted online February 7, Projet Accompagnement Québec-Guatemala. Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2022. “Guatemala: 25 Years Later, ‘Firm and Lasting Peace is Nowhere to be Found.” Posted online January 2, The Conversation. Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2021. “Columbus and Pandemic Infection.” The Aztlander, 1, 1: 4-8. Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2021. “A Peace Resembling War.” Posted online December 29, Active History. Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2021. “Destroying Generation after Generation: Outbreaks of Smallpox in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1780-1810.” Storicamente: Laboritorio di Storia 17. Access online.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2021. “Perdido nuevamente en tergiversación: Otra réplica a Marco Fonseca y sus críticas de ‘La Patria del Criollo’ ([1970] 2009).” Revista Análisis de la Realidad Nacional de Guatemala 202: 78-95.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2021. “Perdido nuevamente en tergiversación: Otra réplica a Marco Fonseca y sus críticas de ‘La Patria del Criollo’ ([1970] 2009).” Revista Análisis de la Realidad Nacional de Guatemala 202: 78-95.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2020. “Lost in Misrepresentation: A Rejoinder to Marco Fonseca and his Critiques of La Patria del Criollo ([1970] 2009).” Revista Análisis de la Realidad Nacional de Guatemala, 197: 63-76.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2020. “Perdido en tergiversación: Réplica a Marco Fonseca y sus críticas de La Patria del Criollo ([1970] 2009).” Revista Análisis de la Realidad Nacional de Guatemala, 197: 49-62.
Lovell, W. George. 2020. “Columbus and Pandemic Contagion: Historical Antecedents to COVID-19.” Royal Society of Canada COVID-19 Series, Publication 52.
Lovell, W. George. 2020. "Colón y la Covid-19: Antecedentes Amerindios de la Pandemia Global." In Americanía: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos 11: 4-31. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2020. "From Columbus to Covid-19: Amerindian Antecedents to the Global Pandemic." Journal of Latin American Geography 19, 3: 177-185. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2020. "In the Wake of Columbus: Amerindian Antecedents to COVID-19." Active History, June 23. Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2019. “A Rainbow of Spanish Illusions: Research Frontiers in Colonial Guatemala.” Presidential Address. Ethnohistory, 66, 3. pp. 20. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2019. “Latin America on Screen: Film as a Complement to Teaching Regional Geography.” Journal of Latin American Geography 18, 2. pp. 35. Download pdf. Visit multimedia article.
Lovell, W. George. 2018. “Patrimony Lost: Hispanic American Treasures in Foreign Collections.” The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 75, 1: 155-180. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2017. “Fire of Memory: The Geographical Legacy of Eduardo Galeano (1940-2015).” Journal of Latin American Geography. 16, 2: 199-205. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2017. “A Stroll through Seville.” Online contribution to Focus on Geography (https://focusongeography.org). Access online.
Lovell, W. George. 2015. “Patrimonio perdido: Tesoros guatemaltecos en colecciones extranjeras.” Americanía: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. 2: 186-215. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2013. “The Archive That Never Was: State Terror and Historical Memory in Guatemala.” The Geographical Review 103, 2: 199-209. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2013. “Patria y paradoja: Conflictos de identidad en la Guatemala colonial." Bajo el Volcán: Revista del Posgrado de Sociología, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Año 12, Número 19: 17-28. Acceda en línea.
Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell and Christopher H. Lutz, 2013. “Pillage in the Archives: The Whereabouts of Guatemalan Documentary Treasures.” Latin American Research Review 48, 3: 153-167. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2013. “In Memoriam, Jan de Vos (1936-2011).” Colonial Latin American Review 22, 1: 152-155. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2012. “A Tale of Two Maps.” Online Contribution to Cartographic Conversation. Providence: John Carter Brown Library (www.jcbl.org). Access online.
Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell and Christopher H. Lutz. 2011. “Hemorragia en los archivos: Reflexiones sobre la pérdida de documentos coloniales guatemaltecos, tesoros de un país despojado.” Mesoamérica 53: 236-245. Descargar pdf.
Huish, Robert L. and W. George Lovell. 2010. “Bajo los volcanes: La influencia de Guatemala en José Martí.” Mesoamérica 52: 87-109. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2008. “At Peace in the Corn: Maya Narratives and the Vicissitudes of Fieldwork in Guatemala.” Gender, Place, and Culture 15, 1: 75-81. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2008. "A Map of the World." The Geographical Review 98, 1: 103-122. Access online. Download pdf.
Huish, Robert L. and W. George Lovell. 2008. “Under the Volcanoes: The Influence of Guatemala on José Martí.” Cuban Studies 39: 25-43. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2008. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica: Índice General 1 (1980) al 50 (2008): vii-viii (with Armando J. Alfonso). Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2008. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 50: xi-xiv (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2007. “A Year by Many Other Names.” The Geographical Review 96, 3: 478-480. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2007. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 49: ix-xi (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Access online (using Queen's login). Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2006. “Memories of Fire: Eduardo Galeano and the Geography of Guatemala.” Geoforum 37: 31-40. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2006. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 48: ix-xi (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Access online (using Queen's login). Download pdf.
Denevan, William M. and W. George Lovell. 2006. “CLAG Private Sector and Government Award for 2005: Charles M. Mann.” Journal of Latin American Geography 5, 1: 139-140. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2005. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 47: ix-x (with Armando J. Alfonso). Access online (using Queen's login). Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2004. “Algunas raices del Chiapas moderno.” Mesoamérica 46: ix-xiii (with Armando J. Alfonso, Stephen E. Lewis, and Jan Rus). Acceda en línea (Queen's login). Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2004. “A Measure of Maturity: Advances and Achievements in Mesoamerican Studies.” Journal of Historical Geography 30, 1: 173-178. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2004. “1491: In Search of Native America.” Journal of the Southwest 46, 3: 441-461 (with Henry F. Dobyns, William M. Denevan, William I. Woods, and Charles M. Mann). Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2004. “CLAG Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award: Joseph L. Scarpaci.” Journal of Latin American Geography 3, 1: 130-131. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 2003. “Perfil etnodemográfico de la Audiencia de Guatemala.” Revista de Indias LXIII, 227: 157-174 and LXIII, 229: 759-764. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2003. “Entre dos mares.” Mesoamérica 45: ix-xii (with Armando J. Alfonzo and Carmen Mena García). Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2002. “Requiem for a Friend: Bernard Q. Nietschmann, 1941-2000.” The Geographical Review 92, 1: 110-113. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2002. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 44: ix-xi (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2002. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 43: ix-xi (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2001. “Woodrow W. Borah, 1912-1999.” Colonial Latin American Review 10, 1: 143-148 (English) and Mesoamérica 40 (2000): 253-259 (Spanish). Access online. Download pdf. | Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2002. “Los mayas del altiplano: Supervivencia indígena en Chiapas y Guatemala.” Anuario de Estudios Americanos LIX, 1: 147-192. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2001. “En busca de Cabeza de Vaca.” Historia de Jeréz 7: 273-277 and Mesoamérica 42: 280-286. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2001. “Reimaginado a Honduras.” Mesoamérica 42: ix-xiv (with Armando J. Alfonzo and Dario Euraque). Acceda en línea. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2001. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 41: ix-xi (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2001. ““Not a City but a World”: Seville and the Indies.” The Geographical Review 91, 1-2: 239-251. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2000. La Solitut de Solanell. Revista de Catalunya 147: 31-41.
Lovell, W. George. 2000. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 40: ix-xi (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2000. “Peninsula de la periferia.” Mesoamérica 39: 221-223 (with Armando J. Alfonzo and Sergio Quezada). Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Burke, Wayne and W. George Lovell. 2000. “Demise at the Edge of Empire: Native Depopulation in Dominica, 1493-1647.” Yearbook of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 26: 1-16. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 2000. “James J. Parsons, 1915-1997.” Yearbook of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 26: 179-180. Access online. Download pdf.
Lutz, Christopher H. and W. George Lovell. 1999. “William L. Sherman: A Fond Recollection.” The Americas 55, 2: 131-135. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1999. “Presentación.” Mesoamérica 38: ix-x (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1999. “Nuevos rumbos.” Mesoamérica 37: ix-x (with Armando J. Alfonzo). Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1998. “Disease and Empire.” The Canadian Geographer 42, 4: 397-400. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1998. “Sur les terres du demón.” Le géographe canadien 42, 2: 214-216. Download (Télécharger le) pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1997. “In the Land of the Devil.” Canadian Journal of History 32, 2: 237-240. Access online. Download pdf.
Nolin Hanlon, Catherine and W. George Lovell. 1997. “Huida, exilio, repatriación y retorno: Escenarios de los refugiados guatemaltecos, 1981-1997”. Mesoamérica 34: 559-582. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 1996. “‘A Dark Obverse’: Maya Survival in Guatemala, 1520-1994.” The Geographical Review 86, 3: 398-407. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1996. “The Solitude of Solanell.” The Geographical Review 86, 2: 259-269. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1994. “The Century after Independence: Land and Life in Guatemala, 1821-1920.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 19, 37-38: 243-260. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George and Christopher H. Lutz. 1994. “Conquest and Population: Maya Demography in Historical Perspective.” Latin American Research Review 29, 2: 133-140. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1993. “Ninety-Two Not Out: Eduardo Galeano and the Columbus Quincentenary.” Journal of Historical Geography 19, 2: 196-204. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1992. “‘Heavy Shadows and Black Night’: Disease and Depopulation in Colonial Spanish America.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82, 3: 426-443. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1992. “Los registros parroquiales de Jacaltenango.” Mesoamérica 24: 441-453. Acceda al índice en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1992. “Taking Home the Popol Vuh.” Meeting Ground 25: 7.
Lovell, W. George. 1991. “Parish Registers in Jacaltenango, Guatemala.” Latin American Research Review 26, 3: 171-178. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1990. “Mayans, Missionaries, Evidence, and Truth: The Polemics of Native Resettlement in Sixteenth-Century Guatemala.” Journal of Historical Geography 16, 3: 277-294. Access online. Download pdf.
Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell, and Christopher H. Lutz. 1990. “Encomienda and Settlement: Towards a Historical Geography of Early Colonial Guatemala.” Yearbook of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 16: 67-72. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1990. “Maya Survival in Ixil Country, Guatemala.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 14, 4: 10-12. Access full text online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1989. “Supervivientes de la conquista: Los mayas de Guatemala en perspectiva histórica.” Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos 15, 1: 5-27. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1988. “Las enfermedades del Viejo Mundo y la mortandad indígena: La viruela y el tabardillo en la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Guatemala, 1780-1810.”. Mesoamérica 16: 239-285. Acceda al índice en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1988. “Surviving Conquest: The Maya of Guatemala in Historical Perspective.” Latin American Research Review 23, 2: 25-57. Access online. Download pdf.
Kramer, Wendy, W. George Lovell, and Christopher H. Lutz. 1986. “Las tasaciones de tributos de Francisco Marroquín y Alonso Maldonado, 1536-1541.” Mesoamérica 12: 357-394. Acceda al índice en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1986. “Rethinking Conquest: The Colonial Experience in Latin America.” Journal of Historical Geography 12, 3: 310-317. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1986. “El cambio de población en Hispano-América: La dinámica de la congregación en las tierras altas de los Cuchumatanes de Guatemala, 1541-1821.” Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala 60: 53-69. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1985. “La tenencia de la tierra en la América Central española: Modelos de propriedad y actividad en las tierras altas de los Cuchumatanes de Guatemala, 1563-1821.” Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala 59: 87-101.
Lovell, W. George. 1985. “From Conquest to Counter-Insurgency.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 9, 2:46-49. Access full text online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George, Christopher H. Lutz, and William R. Swezey. 1984. “The Indian Population of Southern Guatemala, 1549-1551: An Analysis of López de Cerrato's Tasaciones de Tributos.” The Americas 40, 4:459-478. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1983. “Landholding in Spanish Central America: Patterns of Ownership and Activity in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1550-1821.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 8, 2: 214-230. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1983. “Settlement Change in Spanish America: The Dynamics of Congregación in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1541-1821.” The Canadian Geographer 27, 2: 163-174. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1983. “To Submit and to Serve: Forced Native Labour in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala, 1525-1821.” Journal of Historical Geography 9, 2: 127-144. Access online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. and William R. Swezey. 1982. “The Population of Southern Guatemala at Spanish Contact.” Canadian Journal of Anthropology 3, 1: 71-84. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1982. “Historia demográfica de la Sierra de los Cuchumatanes de Guatemala, 1500-1821.” Mesoamérica 4: 279-301. Acceda en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1981. “La experiencia colonial en los Altos Cuchumatanes de Guatemala.” Mesoamérica 2: 184-188. Acceda al índice en línea. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George and William R. Swezey. 1981. “La población del sur de Guatemala al momento de la conquista española.” Antropología e Historia de Guatemala (II Epoca) 3: 43-54. Descargar pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1981. “Population Change in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala.” Bulletin of the Society for Latin American Studies 33: 8-44.
Lovell, W. George. 1980. “The Colonial Experience in the Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala.” Newsletter of the Union of Socialist Geographers 6: 43-48. Access full text online. Download pdf.
Lovell, W. George. 1979. “The Cuchumatán Highlands of Guatemala on the Eve of the Spanish Conquest.” Katunob/Bulletin of Mesoamerican Anthropology XI, 4: 1- 41.
Lovell, W. George. 1976. “The Place of Synthesis in Geographical Investigation and the Study of Historical Geography.” The Albertan Geographer 12: 71-81.
Lovell, W. George. 1975. “Market Day in Chichicastenango.” The Albertan Geographer 11: 29-32.